The Quality Assurance Unit in Kerry ETB was established in 2018. It supports FET Centres and Kerry College Campuses to maintain high quality services by:
- supporting Kerry ETB’s academic governance structures,
- developing QA policies and procedures to ensure clarity and standard approaches across Kerry ETB,
- developing new programmes and curriculum,
- supporting assessment processes,
- supporting continuous improvement, monitoring and review.
The functions associated with each of these services are outlined below.
- Supporting Kerry ETB’s Academic Governance Structures
- Preparation and administration for Programme Governance Board, Quality Assurance Governance Board and the FET Quality Council Board meetings.
- Assisting governance structures in reviewing their terms of reference.
- Developing QA Policy and Procedures to Ensure Clarity and Standard Approaches Across Kerry ETB
- agreeing a schedule for QA policy and procedure development and review,
- ensuring that QA policies and procedures are developed in accordance with an agreed process of drafting and consultation,
- ensuring that QA policies and procedures have regard to the requirements of all awarding bodies,
- ensuring that QA policies and procedures are submitted to the relevant governance units,
- ensuring agreed policies and procedures are accessible internally and externally,
- arranging the provision of briefing and training, as appropriate, to support the implementation of agreed QA policies and procedures,
- ensure that policies and procedures are documented in a quality assured manner.
For example, four procedures were reviewed to date in 2023, see list below:
- 6.14 Repeat and Re-sit Assessment Procedure
- 6.3 Compassionate Consideration in Extenuating Circumstances
- 6.4 Short-Term Extensions Assessment Deadlines
- Developing New Programmes and Curriculum
- managing the development of programmes following programme proposal approval,
- ensuring that programme development documentation meets the relevant procedures of the awarding body,
- developing a schedule for programme review and ensuring it is undertaken in accordance with the procedures of the relevant awarding body,
- conducting analysis of programme data.
For example, Kerry ETB developed the Content Development for Film and Television which was validated by QQI in April 2023.
- Supporting Assessment
- the central management of External Authentication and collating data from the authentication processes,
- completing grade analysis for benchmarking reports,
- presenting the outcomes of RAP and Examination Board meetings to governance for ratification,
- synthesizing the analysis of outcomes provided by the RAP and Examination Board meetings,
- preparation of Learner Handbook,
- preparation of Assessor Handbook,
- supporting the development of common assessments through Communities of Practice.
For example, in 2023 to date there were 63 EA’s visiting 17 centres and campuses across Kerry ETB.
- Supporting Continuous Improvement, Monitoring and Review
- analysis of continuous improvement plans and supporting activity through Continuous Professional Development (CPD),
- developing a schedule for service reviews,
- synthesizing the analysis received from learner feedback,
- developing a schedule for continuous improvements,
- coordinating the self-evaluation of the ETB in preparation for external review,
- tracking and reporting on agreed actions following monitoring and review outcomes,
- preparation and tracking of Kerry ETB Quality Assurance Action Plan 2022 – 2027.
For example, in 2022 six common themes emerged from the analysis of continuous improvement plans:
- Digital folders
- Universal Design for Learning
- Referencing/ Plagiarism
- Marking Schemes/ Rubrics
- Video Recording of Assessment Evidence
- Digital Skills
Structure of QA Unit

The QA unit reports directly to the Director of FET and is managed by the FET QA Unit manager.

The QA Unit is the first point of contact for awarding bodies such as QQI. Kerry ETB is required; in accordance with Section 30 of The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 to request approval of its Quality Assurance Procedures (QAP). The QAP for Kerry ETB Further Education and Training programmes and services were approved in June 2018. The development and implementation of our QAP are aligned with the five goals set out in the Kerry ETB Education and Training Strategy 2023-2027 . The details in the following sections describe Kerry ETB’s overarching approach and quality policy.