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Collaboration with Partners, Other Providers and Other Awarding Bodies

Collaboration with Partners, Other Providers and Other Awarding Bodies

In the context of quality improvement, Kerry ETB’s primary external relationships of relevance are with QQI, with SOLAS, with the partner ETBs who are collaborating providers on the new apprenticeship programmes that are coordinated by Kerry ETB, and with the other awarding bodies.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

Kerry ETB is required, in accordance with Section 30 of The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012, to request approval of its quality assurance (QA) procedures.  The QAP for Kerry ETB Further Education and Training programmes and services were approved by QQI in June 2018.  The development of specific policies and procedures is an ongoing process- with different aspects of our QAP directly informed by QQI QA Guidelines:

    1. Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines
    2. Sector Specific Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for Education and Training Boards
    3. Topic Specific Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for providers of Statutory Apprenticeship Programmes

Kerry ETB has specific responsibilities under The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.  In this context, we are mindful of the role of QQI in ensuring that these responsibilities are met, and appreciative of both QQI’s recognition of the significant organisation change underway across our Further Education and Training (FET) provision and its support for our work in progressing an integrated procedural framework which will bring into effect its QAP across FET Provision.


SOLAS is the state organisation responsible for funding, planning and coordinating FET and has significant involvement in Kerry ETB services. The Strategic Performance Agreement 2020 -2023 has set priorities for investment and development of FET the sector. These priorities give direction to Kerry ETB in respect of the development of its FET services.

Education and Training Boards Ireland

Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), is the national representative association for Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards- providing a range of coordination and professional supports to ETBs and facilitating collaboration between ETB’s. ETBI coordinates a number of groups, which assist ETBs to develop policy and enhance practice. Kerry ETB draws from the work of these groups contributing to the improvement of ETB services nationally and strengthening the capacity to apply a consistency of approach:

    • Chief Executives Forum
    • Directors Forum
    • FET Directors QA Strategy Group
    • FET Steering Group
    • Quality Assurance Forum
    • New Apprenticeship Development Group

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) through its Intreo offices are a strategic partner in planning education and training provision for those who are out of the labour market. DEASP/Intreo staff are involved in the area groups which focus on planning- and streamlining referrals into Kerry ETB FET courses. A formal referral protocol between Kerry ETB and DEASP/Intreo is in place.

Collaborating providers – New Apprenticeship Programmes

Kerry ETB is the coordinating provider for the Commis Chef Apprenticeship and Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship (WTMT). Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) are in place with six collaborating providers.  Kerry ETB conducted quality monitoring in 2019 with a number of our collaborating providers.  Quarterly consolidated reports on the delivery of the programme come before the National Programme Board.  Reports on apprentice’s progress; including results, come before the National Examination Board for recommendation to the Quality Council. National results for the achievement of the Advanced Certificate in Culinary Arts  and Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship are ratified by the Kerry ETB Quality Council.

Munster Technology University

Kerry ETB has specific arrangements in place which provide enhanced progression opportunities to learners exiting Kerry ETB Courses and progressing to Higher Education courses in the Munster Technology University.

Other awarding bodies

Courses associated with other awarding bodies operate under our Quality Assurance Procedures (QAP).  Our quality assurance (QA) arrangements are provider owned and comprehensive, covering all courses and related services regardless of whether or not these lead to QQI awards, and/or other awards recognised within the qualifications framework.

Kerry ETB currently has QA arrangements with the following awarding bodies:

    • City and Guilds
    • ITEC and CIBTAC

A single set of policies, procedures and practices operates across Kerry ETB- quality assuring our programme and services at provider level. All QA arrangements with other awarding bodies are incorporated within this single set of policies, procedures and practices.

Courses associated with other awarding bodies operate under our Quality Assurance Procedures (QAP).

© 2025 Kerry Education and Training Board./Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chiarraí. Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20083243. Web Design Kerry by Egg.
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