The Director of Organisation Support and Development is responsible for the Governance and Management of Kerry ETB’s administration and oversees the management of the ETB’s resources across the Human Resources, Finance including Procurement, Corporate Support, Further Education & Training and ICT Functions.
Department of Technology, Estates & Sustainability

Kerry Education and Training Board (Kerry ETB) is governed by a Board, comprising the elected and appointed representatives of its key stakeholders, as laid out in the Education and Training Board Act 2013. The Board is supported by a number of Committees and by Boards of Management of the schools. As with all state bodies,...
Tralee Regional Sports & Leisure Centre

Opened in 1977 Tralee Regional Sports & Leisure Centre (Tralee Regional Sports & Leisure Company Limited by Guarantee) is a unique cooperative venture owned by Kerry Education & Training Board and Kerry County Council. The Centre is managed by Tralee Regional Sports & Leisure Centre Limited by Guarantee on a not for profit basis. The...

Sustainability Strategy Sustainability Strategy 2020 – 2022Download Now! Kerry ETB Education & Training Strategy 2018 -2022 There are no download items matching this category criteria. Service Plan Service Plan 2024Download Now!Service Plan 2023Download Now!Service Plan 2022Download Now!Service Plan 2021Download Now!Service Plan 2020Download Now!Service Plan 2019Download Now!Service Plan 2018Download Now! Annual Report Annual Report 2023Download Now!Annual...

Kerry Education and Training Board (Kerry ETB) Centrepoint, John Joe Sheehy, Tralee, Co. Kerry V92 P2FE Telephone: 066 7193 900 or 066 7121 488 Enquiry Form Name * REQUIRED First Last Telephone Number *Email * REQUIRED Your Message * REQUIREDPrivacy Policy * REQUIREDThis form collects your details above so we can process your feedback. Please see...
Human Resources

Welcome to the Human Resources section of the Kerry Education and Training Board website. The Human Resources Department is committed to advancing Kerry ETB as a leading education and training provider. We do so through the provision of a range of services including Employee Resourcing, Employee Relations and Employee Wellbeing. The Human Resources Department strives...

Kerry Education and Training Board is funded primarily by the Department of Education and Skills (DoEs) for the delivery of its Primary and Post Primary provision and SOLAS and the DoES for its Further Education and Training Programmes. The role of the Finance Department is to support Kerry Education and Training Board in achieving its...